A resume is a summary of your education, employment, skills and experiences. It is a marketing document that promotes your suitability for employment and should follow the 4S rule:

  • Simple - easy to read with a simple layout and style
  • Structured - presented in a professional format
  • Significant - provide information that is relevant and valuable to the employer
  • Succinct – is concise and targets the role and the employer

There are many ways to write a resume, and the process can be overwhelming.

That's why the Careers Service have created some sample resumes that show the 4S rule in use. 

Note that the Resumes provided are samples only. The length of the resume or CV may vary depending on its use and your personal experiences. Access our resume reviewer for instant feedback on your resume.

Consider which style is suitable for your purposes, then utilise our resume resources to get your resume started. Once you've got a draft, put it through our Resume Reviewer tool for instant feedback on your resume.

Sample Resumes